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Foreign Missions


H.I.M. is committed to equipping developing countries with up-to-date skills and resources so they can continue to improve the quality of life long after the mission group has departed. The initial targeted areas are the African countries of Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. H.I.M. plans to collaborate with other ministries and organizations to develop a model for building and restoration in undeveloped and remote third world communities.

H.I.M., through its relationship with Ministries in these countries, is strategically positioned to access large numbers of people in targeted communities. Working with the local Pastors in the U.S. we will organize mission teams to help address the health, education, and basic needs of the communities. Several projects shall be instituted in phases. 

The first phase shall include the establishment of a Medical Mission, Christian Education Mission and Economic Development Mission. The problems we know are many. However, if people are dying and are perpetually in poor health; if they are without knowledge; if they are without the means to sustain themselves; they perish. We must start somewhere to make a difference. Standing on the word of God, H.I.M. shall purse these projects.

For more information, e-mail  DrThornton@Heritage-Ministries.com

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